
Since the year 2020, Sharp Counsel has served as a place for growth and connection. Leadership always has been and always will be essential to companies, institutions of higher learning, government and life. Sharp Counsel offers consulting opportunities for businesses, non-profits and writers. We also produce inspirational films for society.


The founder of Sharp Counsel is Barry Heads II. He has a Degree in Political Science from California State University, Fresno and is currently in the pursuit of a Master’s of Divinity from Gateway Seminary.

In addition to educational pursuits, Barry’s work history includes working for the United States Congress, United States Attorney’s Office and the State of California.

Barry resides in Southern California and is an avid fan of writing. He enjoys public speaking and engaging in local church activities.



-Sec. Leon Panetta, Former Director of the United States CIA

-Patrick Bet-David, Entrepreneur, PHP Agency Inc.

-Fr. Patrick J. Conroy, Chaplain, United States House of Representatives

-Dr. Joseph LeDoux, Neuroscientist & Professor at New York University

-Dr. Caroline Leaf, Neuroscientist

-Dr. Barry Black, Chaplain, United States Senate

-Dr. Erroll G. Southers, Former FBI Agent & USC Professor

-David S. Rose, Angel Investor & Inc. 500 CEO

-ECO-WORKFORCE, Employment Website

-P-TWEETS, Social Networking Service

-San Pedro High School, Football Team

Character growth determines the height of your personal growth

- John Maxwell